Back to square one(s).

I was having a bit of a clearout in my studio, and came across some square virgin canvasses stashed away under a pile of stuff. I used to love painting in square format and I must have ordered a load of canvasses for that purpose. This was many years ago, so I most probably got…

Heralding Spring

All day long yesterday and today we could hear the distant mournful cries of cranes as they fly North from their winter feeding grounds in Spain and Africa, up to the Baltic States to nest and breed during the summer months. They fly above the house twice a year when heading either north in Spring, or south in Autumn. It lifts your heart…

Colour sketches.

I have been painting colour sketches again of late, principally because I haven’t had time to get down to painting for any length of time.  These are all about 18 x 24. They are in acrylics which is not my usual medium, I still prefer painting in oils, despite the smell of turps : The first one I…